[DE-SBB] Hs. or. 9796
- Classmark
- Hs. or. 9796
- Title
- On one flying paper, it is written: Khmer (VIII) 164-175 Bra sra sangha
- Collection
- Title
- ↳ in Ms.
- 1. Bra sāra saṅgaha phūk 1 ka - kha
2. Bra sāra saṅgaha phūk 2 ga to gha
3. Bra sāra saṅgaha phūk 3
4. Bra sāra saṅgaha phūk 4 thai writing on the right edge
5. Bra sāra saṅgaha phūk 5
6. Bra sāra saṅgaha phūk 6
7. Bra sāra saṅgaha phūk 8
8. Bra sāra saṅgaha phūk 9
9. Bra sāra saṅgaha phūk 10
10. Bra sāra saṅgaha phūk 12
11. Bra sāra saṅgaha phūk 13
12. Bra sāra saṅgaha phūk 14
- 1. Bra sāra saṅgaha phūk 1 ka - kha
- ↳ wie in Referenz
- On one flying paper, it is written: Khmer (VIII) 164-175 Bra sra sangha
- Subject matter
- Region
- Completeness
- Language
- Script
- Beginning
- Text 1
A - KA v, 1 (in the middle): namo tassa bhagavato arahato sammasambuddhassa …
Text 2
B - GA 1, r: ya āyācanaṃ isi patane mitacāyeva …
Text 3
C - ṄA 1, r: māsīti idaṃ vinayatṭhakathāyaṃ vuttaṃ …
Text 4
D - CHA 1, r: tinriyaṃ kilesasisaṃ nāma avijjā …
Text 5
E - JHA 1, r: tahitaṃ yevaho tisaranaṃ …
Text 6
F - ṬA 1, r: pathavikasiṇe aruṇavaṇaṇoyaṃ pathavī…
Text 7
G - ṆA 1 r: ucavijjeyasa vinasseyasāti tassavinasaṃ …
Text 8
H - THA 1 r: kopananesaṃ āhārokā āhāravelati …
Text 9
I - DA 1, r: uttarahano dantedanta samalabhave …
Text 10
J – BA r, 1: ajjevāhaṃ pabvajito ajjapa tvā āsavakkhayaṃ…
Text 11
K - MA r, 1: abhivādenati namanapena āsanaṃdenati …
Text 12
L - VA r, 1: divaseyojananaṃ satasahassañva caṇda maṇdalaṃ …
- Text 1
- End of the text
- Text 1
A - KHAḤ v, 4: … mahā brahmano dhamma desanatthā
Text 2
B - GHAḤ 5, v: … sumana kuthe padaṃ dase(tvā) or (taccā) ata
Text 3
C - CAḤ 5, v: … tattha pavattisisaṃ nāmajīvi
Text 4
D - JAḤ 5, v: … imesañahi catunanaṃ ākārānaṃ añataripikaronante
Text 5
E - ÑAḤ 5, v: … tabhāvenante cayotasmiṃ
Text 6
F - ṬHAḤ 5, v: … maraṇaṃ patibahituṃ sakakoti ananto niro
Text 7
G - TAḤ 5 v: “… cavantiyevanamanahoti »
Text 8
H - DAḤ 5 v: …tenakāyatti nātheṇudehaṃ pacci taccā tvāḥ
Text 9
I - NAḤ 5, v: … parapāra kammaṃ katvāniriyepa
Text 10
J - BHAḤ v, 5: … nama nāpenapaccaththenati namanāpena
Text 11
K - YAḤ r, 1: … nidā
Text 12
L - HAE r, 1 (in the middle): citto sārasaṅgaho yutto …
- Text 1
- Remarks
- Different handwritings; very nice and neat Khom script (a variant of Khmer script
often used in central Thai religious manuscripts) on both recto and verso; Thai insert
in black ink pen in Tvā kṣīen script (annotation script) in between lines; indication
of pagination o the title folio;
a label from the fine arts department of Thailand with a Buddhist date: N° 4, 14th 2504 = AD 1961
- Different handwritings; very nice and neat Khom script (a variant of Khmer script
often used in central Thai religious manuscripts) on both recto and verso; Thai insert
in black ink pen in Tvā kṣīen script (annotation script) in between lines; indication
of pagination o the title folio;
Description of the object
- Record type
- Format
- Number of volumes
- 12
- Binding
- 2 wooden covers lavishly decorated with floral patterns; cover A: black lacquered cover with gilt with floral decorations on recto and red on verso; 55x5,5 cm; cover B: gilt on recto and black lacquered on verso with a glued label Prasarasanga 4; 54,8x5
- Writing material
- ↳ State of preservation
- The manuscripts are in good condition except text 10: on the left corner leaves eaten by insects
- Number of folios
- (402); Pagination with usual Cambodian letters
Text 1 (31) ka, kā, ki, kī, ku, kū, ke, kae, kai, ko, kaṃ, kaḥ, kha, khā, khi, khī, khu, khū, khe, khae, khai, kho, khaṃ, khaḥ
Text 2 (31) ga, gā, gi, gī, gu, gū, ge, gae, gai, go, gaṃ, gaḥ, gha, ghā, ghi, ghī, ghu, ghū, ghe, ghae, ghai, gho, ghaṃ, ghaḥ
Text 3 (32) ṅa to caḥ,
ṅa, ṅā, ṅi, ṅī, ṅu, ṅū, ṅe, ṅae, ṅai, ṅo, ṅaṃ, ṅaḥ, ca, cā, ci, cī, cu, cū, ce, cae, cai, co, caṃ, caḥ
Text 4 (33) cha to jaḥ, cha, chā, chi, chī, chu, chū, che, chae, chai, cho chaṃ, chaḥ, ja, jā, ji, jī, ju, jū, je, jae, jai, jo jaṃ, jaḥ
Text 5 (32) jha to ñaḥ,
jha, jhā, jhi, jhī, jhu, jhū, jhe, jhae, jhai, jho, jhau, jhaṃ, jhaḥ, ña, ñā, ñi, ñī, ñu, ñū, ñe, ñae, ñai, ño, ñau, ñaṃ, ñaḥ
Text 6 (33) ṭa to ṭhaḥ,
ṭa, ṭā, ṭī, ṭī, ṭu, ṭū, ṭe, ṭae, ṭai, ṭo, ṭaṃ, ṭaḥ, ṭha, ṭhā, ṭhi, ṭhī, ṭhu, ṭhū, ṭhe, ṭhae, thai, ṭho, ṭhaṃ, ṭhaḥ
Text 7 (35) ṇa to taḥ,
ṇa, ṇā, ṇi, ṇī, ṇu, ṇū, ṇe, ṇae, ṇai, ṇo, ṇaṃ, ṇaḥ, ta, tā, ti, tī, tu, tū, te, tae, tai, to, taṃ, taḥ
Text 8 (33) tha to daḥ,
tha, thā, thi, thī, thu, thū, the, thae, thai, tho, thaṃ, thaḥ, da, dā, di, dī, du, dū, de, dae, dai, do, daṃ, daḥ
Text 9 (34) da to naḥ,
dha, dhā, dhi, dhī, dhu, dhū, dhe, dhae, dhai, dho, dhaṃ, dhaḥ, na, nā, ni, nī, nu, nū, ne, nae, nai, no, naṃ, naḥ
Text 10 ()34 ba to bhaḥ,
ba, bā, bi, bī, bu, bū, be, bae, bai, bo, baṃ, baḥ, bha, bhā, bhi, bhī, bhu, bhū, bhe, bhae, bhai, bho, bhaṃ, bhaḥ
Text 11 (31) ma to yaḥ,
ma, mā, mi, mī, mu, mū, me, mae, mai, mo, maṃ, maḥ, ya, yā, yi, yī, yu, yū, ye, yae, yai, yo, yaṃ, yaḥ
Text 12 (43) va to hae
va, vā, vi, vī, vu, vū, ve, vae, vai, vo, vaṃ, vaḥ, sa, sā, si, sī, su, sū, se, sae, sai, so, saṃ, saḥ, ha, hā, hi, hī, hu, hū, he, hae
- (402); Pagination with usual Cambodian letters
- Dimensions
- 54,3x5
- Number of lines
- 5
- Script
- ↳ Characteristics
- The pack contains 12 bundles; manuscripts wrapped in a paper and gilt on edges with
centre coloured red. Probably from the same origin
1 braided cord with brown and yellow around the paper wrap
2 braided cords in red in two set of holes
Text 1: 3 blank leaves after the title and 3 at the end
Text 2: 5 blank leaves after the title and 2 at the end
Text 3: 1 blank leaf after the title and 6 at the end
Text 4: 6 blank leaves after the title and 2 at the end
Text 5: 5 blank leaves after the title and 4 at the end
Text 6: 8 blank leaves at the end
Text 7, 9: 4 blank leaves after the title and 5 at the end
Text 8: 4 blank leaves after the title and 4 at the end
Text 10: 5 blank leaves after the title and 5 at the end
Text 11: 3 blank leaves after the title and 2 at the end
Text 12: 5 blank leaves after the title and 6 at the end
- The pack contains 12 bundles; manuscripts wrapped in a paper and gilt on edges with
centre coloured red. Probably from the same origin
History of the object
- Provenienz
- ExLibris Christian Velder
Access and usage
- Collection
- Project
- Classmark
- Hs. or. 9796
- ↳ alternate
- Editor classmark : N° 00115
- Acessibility
- usage permitted
- Editor
- Hélène Bru-Nut
- Static URL
- https://orient-kohd.dl.uni-leipzig.de/receive/DE1Book_manuscript_00026759
- MyCoRe ID
- DE1Book_manuscript_00026759 (XML view)
- Export
- Metadata license
- CC0 1.0
- Send notes for this dataset