[DE-SBB] MIK I 4306
- Classmark
- MIK I 4306
- Collection
- Title
- ↳ in Ms.
- 1 - mūllakaccāyaṇanāma phūk 2
2 - mūllakaccāyānakritā phūk 3
- 1 - mūllakaccāyaṇanāma phūk 2
- Subject matter
- Region
- Completeness
- Language
- Script
- Beginning
- Text 1.
A. GHU r, 1: ku mahā mahe hinamāta / gehitumahā hi na vacanassa ākaṃhoti
Text 2.
B. KA r, 1: budhaṃ ñāṇasapuddaṃ sabvañuṃ lokka hetuṃ khinna mutiṃ
- Text 1.
- End of the text
- Text 1.
A. ṄAḤ v, 1: iti nāma kappe pañca mokakhano
Text 2.
B. GAI v, 3: itikibvi dhāna kappe pañca he kaṇdo
- Text 1.
- Remarks
- Very nice and neat Khom script (a variant of Khmer script often used in central Thai religious manuscripts) in black ink pen by different hands on both recto and verso; annotations in tiny Thai Tvā kṣīen (annotation script) in blue ink pen in between lines
Description of the object
- Record type
- Format
- Number of volumes
- 2
- Binding
- 2 wooden covers 60x5,5
- Writing material
- ↳ State of preservation
- Text 1: good condition but leaves very dirty with some traces of humidity
Text 2: bad condition with brittle leaves and at the extreme left of folios eaten by insects
- Text 1: good condition but leaves very dirty with some traces of humidity
- Number of folios
- (25); pagination with usual Cambodian letters:
ghu, ghū, ghe, ghae, ghai, gho, ghaṃ, ghaḥ, ṅa, ṅā, ṅi, ṅī, ṅu, ṅū, ṅe, ṅae, ṅai, ṅo, ṅaṃ, ṅaḥ
- (25); pagination with usual Cambodian letters:
- Dimensions
- 55x5
- Number of lines
- 5
- Script
- ↳ Characteristics
- Manuscripts with 2 holes; edges of leaves entirely gilt
Text 1: 2 blank leaves after the title folio and 2 at the end; 1 green braided cord in the left hole
Text 2: 1 blank leaf after the title and 2 at the end
- Manuscripts with 2 holes; edges of leaves entirely gilt
Access and usage
- Collection
- Project
- Classmark
- MIK I 4306
- ↳ alternate
- Editor classmark : N°00187
- Editor
- Hélène Bru-Nut
- Static URL
- https://orient-kohd.dl.uni-leipzig.de/receive/DE1Book_manuscript_00035475
- MyCoRe ID
- DE1Book_manuscript_00035475 (XML view)
- Export
- Metadata license
- CC0 1.0
- Send notes for this dataset