Common data
Classmark | |
↳ current | 2 L. as. 26 |
Record type | |
Format | other |
External Link | |
Content and history of the book
Language | Latin Tamil |
Script | Latin Tamil |
Date | |
1822 | |
Place of MS | |
Madras: Printed at the College Press, 1822;
(Madras, seit 1996: Ceṉṉai, Hauptstadt des indischen Bundesstaates Tamil Nadu) |
Title | |
↳ in Ms. | A Grammar of the High Dialect of the Tamil Language, Termed Shen-Tamil: To which is added, an Introduction to Tamil Poetry, Translated from the Original Latin by Benjamin Guy Babington, of the Madras Civil Service |
Subject matter | grammar/syntax |
Content | Grammatik des "Centamiḻ" (Tamiḻ der Schriftsprache, "schönes Tamiḻ") |
Person data
Author | |
↳ authorized heading |
Beschi, Costanzo Giuseppe (1680-1747)
↳ Person remark | Namensform im Original:
By the Reverend Father C. J. Beschi, Jesit Missionary in the Kingdom of Madura |
Physical description
Number of folios | 146 Seiten |
Remarks | Nicht urheberrechtlich geschützt - Keine kommerzielle Nachnutzung |
Project part | KOHD Dravidian Manuscripts |
Technical data
Editor | Claudia Weber |
Static URL | |
MyCoRe ID | KOHDDravidianMSBook_manuscript_00000544 (XML view) |
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