Common data
Classmark | |
↳ current | Hs. or. 9780 |
↳ alternate | Editor classmark : N°00086 |
Record type | multitext manuscript |
Format | palm leaf |
Content and history of the book
Language | Pali Thai language |
Script | Khmer |
Region | Southeast Asia |
Title | |
↳ in Ms. | 1 - bra pāṭimokkhaṃ niṭṭhītaṃ
2 – ādhānāṭiyaṃ suttaṃ niṭṭhītaṃ 3 – bra mahāsamaya suttaṃ niṭṭhītaṃ 4 – bra tatiyabhāṇavāraṃ niṭṭhītaṃ 5 – bra isigilisuttaṃ niṭṭhītaṃ 6 – bra pathamakāṇavā niṭṭhītaṃ 7 – cekāvabhaga cekā sakkarāj 8 – bra upasampada / (sutta for Kathiṇa and for sīma) 9 – nnatti kammavācā upppadale ‘done’ 10 – mahāsuddhānta parivāsa culla suddhānta parivāsa 11 – bra hassanasyante lee 12 – bra sattaparittaṃ niṭṭhītaṃ 13 – bhikkhu pāṭimokkhaṃ niṭṭhītaṃ 14 – bra māṭikā bra dhamma cettakaṃ bhībāhuṃ 15 – sutanākasūta phūk ? sūta kathina + (title in Thai) 16 – bra girimānanda suttaṃ niṭṭhītaṃ 17 – bra isīgilisuttaṃ niṭṭhītaṃ paripuṇṇo 18 – bra dhamma cakka pavattana suttaṃ niṭṭhītaṃ 19 – mahāsuddhanta parirāso ca pparipuṇṇa |
↳ Established form | The librarian wrote on the folio title: 2504 BC, Suttapitaka
on a flying paper: Khmer (1) 1-19 Kurzfan? Det Tripitaka zum gebrauch in Novizem-Schulen |
Completeness | unidentified |
Beginning | Text 1: A. KA r, 1: namatthu ratanattayaṃ / namo tassa bhagavato arahato ssamma …
Text 2: B. ṄA r, 1: evammesutaṃ ekaṃ samayaṃ bhagavā rājagahe viharati … Text 3: C. CA r, 1: evammesutaṃ ekaṃ samayaṃ bhagavā sakesa vihara … Text 4: D. CA r, 1: evammesutaṃ ekaṃ samayaṃ bhagavā rājagahe viharati … Text 5: E. ḌHA, 1: evammesutaṃ ekaṃ samayaṃ bhagavā rājagahe viharati … Text 6: F. KA r, 1: namo tassa bhagavato arahato samasambuddhassa … Text 7: G. KHĀ r, 1: ukasayopana bhikkhu dhamma nu dhamma … Text 8: H. KA r, 1: ukāsavadhāmi gantes bvaṃ aparādhaṃ khamathame gante … Text 9: I. KA r, 1: in Thai Text 10: J. KA r, 1: aham.gantesaṃ hun.asaṃ ghādisesa āpattiyo āpajijaṃ … Text 11: K. KA r, 1: kusalā dhammā akusalā dhamma abyākatā dhamma … Text 12: L. KA r, 1: satte kāpe carūpe tivisitarataṭe cantalikhevimāne… Text 13. M. KA r, 1: suṇātumegantesaṃ ghoyadisaṃ ghassapattakallaṃ … Text 14: N. KA r, 1: namatthu ratanattayassa / avijjāpacvayāsaṃ khārā … Text 15: O. KA r, 1: ukāsavandhupi gante sabvaṃ aparādhaṃ khapatha megante … Text 16: P. CHA r, 1: evammesutaṃ ekaṃ samayaṃ bhagavā … Text 17: Q. JA r, 1: : evammesutaṃ ekaṃ samayaṃ bhagavā … Text 18: R. JE r, 1: evammesutaṃ ekaṃ samayaṃ bhagavā bārāṇasiyaṃ viharati … Text 19: S. PA r, 1: namo tassa bhagavato arahato sammā sambuddhassa /… |
End of the text | Text 1: A. GHAU v, 2: … parisuddho ahaṃ ghante parisaddhao gamadhāretha /
Text 2: B. ṄAḤ v, 5: … nitṭṭhitaṃ puripuṇṇaṃ / sukhumaṃ ahaṇaṃ mama / Text 3: C. CHA v, 4: … sāvakāte jane sugāti / pahasamayasuttaṃ niṭṭhītaṃ / Text 4: D. CŪ v, 5: … mahācundaṃ niṭṭhītaṃ / bra sata bojjhagataṃ Text 5: E. ḌHU r, 4: … parinibvate vandhutha appameyyeti / isitilisuttaṃ Text 6: F. KAṂ v, 5: … dhajjhakataparittaṃ / la / capparipuraṇā niṭṭhītaṃ / Text 7: G. KHAI v, 1: in Thai Text 8: H. KHAE v, 5: in Thai Text 9: I. KHAI v, 5: in Thai Text 10: J. KHE v, 3: … mahāsuddhanta parivāsa cullasuddhanta parivāsa / Text 11: K. KE v, 5: … bhagavantaṃ niṭṭhīto anubandhāṃ honti bhikkhu saghannva / Text 12: L. KHŪ v, 5: ...… parittasyā nubhāvena tacca gesaṃ upaddhuve / Text 13. M. ṄI v, 5: … bhikkhu pāṭimokkhaṃ niṭṭhītaṃ / Text 14: N. KHI v, 1:… bramahāmātikā niṭṭhītaṃ paripūraraṇṇaṃ / Text 15: O. KHI v, 1: … nibvāna pacūyohotu / Text 16: P. CHAU v, 5: … bra girimānanda suttaṃ niṭṭhītaṃ / Text 17: Q. JŪ v, 5: … bvapapacva yohotu / la Text 18: R. JHĪ v, 4: … bra dhamma cakka pavattanasuttaṃ niṭṭhītaṃ / Text 19: S. PHĪ v, 5: … tasmā tuṇhi evametaṃ dhārayāmi / suddhantaparivāso niṭṭhītaṃ / |
Subject matter | Buddhism |
Keywords | Buddhism |
Chapter headings / fascicle | Fascicles (phūk) 1 to 19 |
Physical description
Binding | Material : 1 silken material cover with ornated pattern representing a devata in blue and yellow and in the back lining in yellow colour; 48,5x42
2 lacquered wooden covers; cover A: on recto, background in red lacquered with gilded floral pattern, on verso, in red; 50x5,5; cover B: on recto, beautiful floral pattern carved with glass inlay; 39x4,5 |
Writing material | |
↳ State of preservation | The manuscripts are in good condition; text 1: some leaves at the right end side are damaged; text 4, 18, 19: some leaves at the right side are damaged with broken leaves |
Number of folios | 479; pagination with usual Cambodian letters;
text 1 (59) ka, kā, ki, kī, ku, kū, ke, kae, kai, ko, kaṃ, kaḥ, kha, khā, khi, khī, khu, khū, khe, khae, khai, kho, khaṃ, khaḥ, ga, gā, gi, gī, gu, gū, ge, gae, gai, go, gaṃ, gaḥ, gha, ghā, ghi, ghī, ghu, ghū, ghe, ghae, ghai text 2 (23) ña, ñā, ñi, ñī, ñu, ñū, ñe, ñae, ñai, ño, ñaṃ, ñaḥ text 3 (20) ca, cā, ci, cī, cu, cū, ce, cae, cai, co, caṃ, caḥ, cha text 4 (15) ca, cā, ci, cī, cu, cū text 5 (16) ḍha, ḍhā, ḍhi, ḍhī, ḍhu text 6 (21) ka, kā, ki, kī, ku, kū, ke, kae, kai, ko, kaṃ text 7 (17) khā, khi, khī, khu, khū, khe, khae, khai, kho text 8 (29) ka, kā, ki, kī, ku, kū, ke, kae, kai, ko, kaṃ, kaḥ, kha, khā, khi, khī, khu, khū, khe, khae, khai text 9 (30) ka, kā, ki, kī, ku, kū, ke, kae, kai, ko, kaṃ, kaḥ, kha, khā, khi, khī, khu, khū, khe text 10 (29) ka, kā, ki, kī, ku, kū, ke, kae, kai, ko, kaṃ, kaḥ, kha, khā, khi, khī, khu, khū, khe text 11(17) ka, kā, ki, kī, ku, kū, ke, kae, kai, ko, kaṃ, kaḥ, kha, khā, khi, khī, khu, khū, khe text 12 (25) ka, kā, ki, kī, ku, kū, ke, kae, kai, ko, kaṃ, kaḥ, kha, khā, khi, khī, khu, khū text 13 (58) ka, kā, ki, kī, ku, kū, ke, kae, kai, ko, kaṃ, kaḥ, kha, khā, khi, khī, khu, khū, khe, khae, khai, kho, khaṃ, khaḥ, ga, gā, gi, gī, gu, gū, ge, gae, gai, go, gaṃ, gaḥ, gha, ghā, ghi, ghī, ghu, ghū, ghe, ghae, ghai, gho, ghaṃ, ghaḥ, ṅa, ṅā, ṅi text 14 (22) ka, kā, ki, kī, ku, kū, ke, kae, kai, ko, kaṃ, kaḥ, kha, khā, khi text 15 (32) ka, kā, ki, kī, ku, kū, ke, kae, kai, ko, kaṃ, kaḥ, kha, khā, khi, khī, khu, khū, khe, khae, khai, kho, khaṃ, khaḥ text 16 (15) cha, chā, chi, chī, chu, chū, che, chae, chai, cho text 17 (12) ja, jā, ji, jī, ju, jū text 18 (18) je, jae, jai, jo jaṃ, jaḥ, jha, jhā, jhi, jhī text 19 (21) pa, pā, pi, pī, pu, pū, pe, pae, pai, po, paṃ, paḥ, pha, phā, phi, phī |
Dimensions | group 1 (texts 1-12) 36x5,2
group 2 (texts 13-19) 37,5x5,5 |
Script | |
↳ Characteristics | Edges of leaves are gilded; traditional braided cords in many colors; manuscripts have only one hole
Text 1: 5 blank leaves after the title and 7 at the end Text 2: 3 blank leaves after the title and 6 at the end Text 3, 12, 18: 3 blank leaves after the title and 3 at the end Text 4: 4 blank leaves after the title and 6 at the end Text 5: 3 blank leaves after the title and 7 at the end Text 6: 5 blank leaves after the title and 4 at the end Text 7: 4 blank leaves after the title and 3 at the end Text 8: 4 blank leaves after the title and 4 at the end Text 9, 10, 11: 4 blank leaves after the title and 5 at the end Text 13: 3 blank leaves after the title and 2 at the end Text 14: 2 blank leaves after the title and 4 at the end Text 15, 16, 17: 2 blank leaves after the title and 3 at the end Text 19: 2 blank leaves after the title and 2 at the end |
Remarks | There are two groups of manuscripts, the first contains texts 1 to 12 and the second contains texts 13 to 19; Different handwritings; in the second group the 'mūl' scripts are unusually bigs and words are widely spaced. The manuscripts have Thai adding in tiny characters in ‘jrieṅ’ style on the folio title and in between lines; the scripts are beautifully carved in ‘mūl’ style;
GHAI r: it is written in Thai “Order from his majesty to copy in 2343" |
Project part | KOHD Khmer Manuscripts |
Technical data
Editor | Hélène Bru-Nut |
Static URL | |
MyCoRe ID | KOHDKhmerMSBook_manuscript_00000092 (XML view) |
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