Common data
Classmark | |
↳ current | Hs. or. 4411 |
↳ alternate | Editor classmark : 835 |
Record type | manuscript |
Format | other |
Content and history of the book
Language | Tibetan |
Script | Tibetan |
Title | |
↳ in Ms. | dregs pa sde brgyad la gser skyems gtod pa’i cho ga bdud rtsi’i rlabs ‘phreng |
Completeness | complete |
Beginning | [1v] na mo gu ru ha ya ghrī wa ya/ /’dir dregs pa sde brgyad la gser skyems gtod [Z] pa’i tshul ni/ / |
Colophon | [8v] zhes dregs pa sde brgyad la gsor skyems gtong pa’i cho ga bdud rtsi’i rlabs [Z] phreng zhis bya ba ‘di ni bsod nams stobs kyis mngon bar mtho ba dud bde wang phun tshogs bsam ‘grub gyis rin chen gnyis ba’i [Z] sgyes dang bcas ‘phrin yig gi lam nas bskul ba’i ngor ku sā li dha rma badzra gyis phra ‘du bris ba’i yi ge pa ni gu shrī ngag dbang bstan ‘phel lo// (...) [10v] zhes pa’ang [Z] dharma ba dzra gyis smras// |
Subject matter | Buddhism Ritual text |
Keywords | dregs pa sde brgyad
gser skyems |
Content | Ritualvorschrift für das Trankopfer (gser skyems) an die Acht Klassen der Dregs-pa. |
Marginal notes | r: -, v: - |
Further copies | Vgl.
TBRC W1NLM1816 (pp. 1-15) TBRC W21507 (Collected works of Thu’u bkwan blo bzang chos kyi nyi ma, vol. 7, pp. 499-504) TBRC W21506 (Collected works of Thu’u bkwan blo bzang chos kyi nyi ma, vol. 7, pp. 495-500) TBRC W4CZ302655 (Collected works of Thu’u bkwan blo bzang chos kyi nyi ma, vol. 13, pp. 301-308) |
Person data
Author | |
↳ form given in the source |
ku sā li Dha rma badzra
↳ other name form(s) |
Thu’u bkwan blo bzang chos kyi nyi ma
↳ Person remark | Lebensdaten: 1737-1802
The Third Tukwan, Lobzang Chokyi Nyima: |
Scribe | |
↳ form given in the source |
Gu shrī ngag dbang bstan ‘phel
Commissioner | |
↳ form given in the source |
wang Phun tshogs bsam ‘grub
Physical description
Writing material | |
↳ Material | paper |
Number of folios | 10 Bl., Foliierung 1-10 |
Text area | ca. 20x6,5cm |
Boxing | ca. 26x9,5cm |
Number of lines | 4-zeilig |
Script | |
↳ Style | Tibetan script → Manuscript → dbu can |
↳ Ink | black |
Project part | KOHD Tibetan Manuscripts |
Technical data
Editor | S.Arslan & K. Gurung |
Static URL | |
MyCoRe ID | KOHDTibetanMSBook_manuscript_00001640 (XML view) |
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