Common data
Classmark | |
↳ current | Ms. or. fol. 4309 |
↳ alternate | Editor classmark : acc. ms. or. 1987.11. |
Record type | other |
Format | other |
Content and history of the book
Language | Tibetan |
Script | Tibetan |
Region | Tibet |
Completeness | complete |
Beginning | [1v/1] gnas pa’i bkra shis shog / ces pa dngos kyi ’khrungs rabs gsol ’debs zhabs brtan smon chog dang bcas pa ’di la ’byung phyogs bstan pa’i gsal byed / khal kha rje btsun dam pa rin po ches bka’ stsal pa |
End of the text | [1v/2] bzhin rgyal sras sprul sku dam pa
gong ma rnams kyi gsung dang bstun te rang gi bstim gnas su thim pa dge legs ’phel / mangga lam / |
Subject matter | Buddhism Ritual text |
Keywords | gnas pa’i bkra shis
’khrungs rabs gsol ’debs zhabs brtan smon chog khal kha rje btsun dam pa rin po che |
Content | Ein Bittgebet um Glück und Segen |
Physical description
Conservation needs | none |
Writing material | |
↳ Material | wood |
↳ Colour | black white |
↳ State of preservation | Holztafel ist in guten Zustand. |
Number of folios | 0 Blatt, Foliierung: |
Boxing | ca. 7x50x1,5cm |
Script | |
↳ Style | Tibetan script → Block print |
Remarks | * Holztafel mit tibetischen, seitenverkehrt eingeschnitzen Text. Die Maße der Tafel sind 7x50x1,5cm. |
Project part | KOHD Tibetan Manuscripts |
Technical data
Editor | Olaf Czaja |
Static URL | |
MyCoRe ID | KOHDTibetanMSBook_manuscript_00002273 (XML view) |
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