Göttingen Academy of Sciences and Humanities
Union Catalogue of Oriental Manuscripts
Objects found 58  
[SBB-PK] Hs. or. 3922.3 (1-30)
Berlin State Library - Prussian Cultural Heritage
lCang lung sprul ming ( † 1845)
print convolute, single leaf, Buddhism
[SBB-PK] Hs. or. 3922.4 (1-30)
Berlin State Library - Prussian Cultural Heritage
lCang lung sprul ming ( † 1845)
print convolute, Pecha, Buddhism
[SBB-PK] Hs. or. 3922.4 (1)
Berlin State Library - Prussian Cultural Heritage
lCang lung sprul ming ( † 1845)
zab lam bla ma mchod pa'i cho ga dngos grub kun gyi 'byung gnas
print convolute, Pecha, BuddhismRitual text
[SBB-PK] Hs. or. 3922.4 (12)
Berlin State Library - Prussian Cultural Heritage
lCang lung sprul ming ( † 1845)
dpal mgon chos kyi rgyal po phyi nang gsang gsum gyi rjes gnang gi tho yig dngos grub kyi za ma tog dbye ba'i rin chen lde mig
print convolute, Pecha, BuddhismRitual text
[SBB-PK] Hs. or. 3922.4 (13)
Berlin State Library - Prussian Cultural Heritage
lCang lung sprul ming ( † 1845)
chos rgyal phyi nang gsang gsum gyi zhi ba'i sbyin bsreg gi cho ga dngos grub bum bzang
print convolute, Pecha, BuddhismRitual text
[SBB-PK] Hs. or. 3922.4 (14)
Berlin State Library - Prussian Cultural Heritage
lCang lung sprul ming ( † 1845)
dpal mgon gshin rje chos kyi rgyal po'i zhi ba'i gtor sgrub kyi cho ga rgud pa kun sel rab dkar bdud rtsi'i rgya mtsho
print convolute, Pecha, BuddhismRitual text
[SBB-PK] Hs. or. 3922.4 (15)
Berlin State Library - Prussian Cultural Heritage
lCang lung sprul ming ( † 1845)
dpal mgon gshin rje chos kyi rgyal po'i rgyas pa'i gtor sgrub kyi cho ga dgos 'dod kun stsol yid bzhin gyi nor bu 'bar ba
print convolute, Pecha, BuddhismRitual text
[SBB-PK] Hs. or. 3922.4 (16)
Berlin State Library - Prussian Cultural Heritage
lCang lung sprul ming ( † 1845)
dpal mgon gshin rje chos kyi rgyal po'i dbang gi gtor sgrub kyi cho ga khams gsum g.yo bar byed pa'i don yod lcags kyu
print convolute, Pecha, BuddhismRitual text
[SBB-PK] Hs. or. 3922.4 (17)
Berlin State Library - Prussian Cultural Heritage
lCang lung sprul ming ( † 1845)
dpal stobs ’phrog nag po rdo rje gdong bzhi pa rnam ‘gyur mi ‘dra ba du ma’i rjes gnang gi chog bsgrigs tsinda ma ṇi’i do shal
print convolute, Pecha, Buddhism
[SBB-PK] Hs. or. 3922.4 (18)
Berlin State Library - Prussian Cultural Heritage
lCang lung sprul ming ( † 1845)
rje btsun 'jam dpal nag po'i sgrub thabs rjes gnang dang bcas pa'i cho ga dngos grub kun 'byung
print convolute, Pecha, BuddhismRitual text
[SBB-PK] Hs. or. 3922.4 (19)
Berlin State Library - Prussian Cultural Heritage
lCang lung sprul ming ( † 1845)
rje btsun 'jam dpal nag po'i sgrub thabs gnad don kun gsal bai ḍūr zhun ma'i me long
print convolute, Pecha, BuddhismRitual text
[SBB-PK] Hs. or. 3922.4 (20)
Berlin State Library - Prussian Cultural Heritage
lCang lung sprul ming ( † 1845)
rje btsun 'jam dpal nag po'i sgrub thabs nyung gsal
print convolute, Pecha, BuddhismRitual text
[SBB-PK] Hs. or. 3922.4 (21)
Berlin State Library - Prussian Cultural Heritage
lCang lung sprul ming ( † 1845)
rje btsun byams pa mgon po la mchod cing gsol ba 'debs nas smon lam bya ba'i rim pa byams pa'i thugs rje 'gugs pa'i kyo ba
print convolute, Pecha, BuddhismRitual text
[SBB-PK] Hs. or. 3922.4 (22. 1-2)
Berlin State Library - Prussian Cultural Heritage
lCang lung sprul ming ( † 1845)
rje btsun ma sgrol dkar yid bzhin 'khor lo'i bla brgyud gsol 'debs byin rlabs can
print convolute, Pecha, BuddhismRitual text
[SBB-PK] Hs. or. 3922.4 (23)
Berlin State Library - Prussian Cultural Heritage
lCang lung sprul ming ( † 1845)
rje btsun sgrol ma dkar mo yid bzhin 'khor lo'i thun mong dang thun mong ma yin pa'i rjes gnang bya tshul 'dod dgu yid bzhin stsol ba'i bsam 'phel nor mchog
print convolute, Pecha, BuddhismRitual text
[SBB-PK] Hs. or. 3922.4 (24)
Berlin State Library - Prussian Cultural Heritage
lCang lung sprul ming ( † 1845)
btsun ma yid bzhin 'khor lo la stong mchod 'bul tshul
print convolute, Pecha, BuddhismRitual text
[SBB-PK] Hs. or. 3922.4 (25)
Berlin State Library - Prussian Cultural Heritage
lCang lung sprul ming ( † 1845)
rje btsun ma tshe sbyin yid bzhin 'khor lo'i sgo nas 'chi bslu bya tshul tshe dpal padmo rgyas byed byin rlabs kyi nyi ma bdun 'bar
print convolute, Pecha, BuddhismRitual text
[SBB-PK] Hs. or. 3922.4 (26)
Berlin State Library - Prussian Cultural Heritage
lCang lung sprul ming ( † 1845)
rje btsun 'jam dbyangs dkar po'i sgrub thabs dang rjes gnang gi cho ga blo gsal yongs kyi snying nor
print convolute, Pecha, BuddhismRitual text
[SBB-PK] Hs. or. 3922.4 (27)
Berlin State Library - Prussian Cultural Heritage
lCang lung sprul ming ( † 1845)
ye shes kyi mkha' 'gro ma sengge'i gdong can gtso 'khor gsum gyi mngon rtogs dngos grub kun stsol
print convolute, Pecha, BuddhismRitual text
[SBB-PK] Hs. or. 3922.4 (28)
Berlin State Library - Prussian Cultural Heritage
lCang lung sprul ming ( † 1845)
gnas mchog bsod nams kun sdud gling gi mgon khang gtum drag rol pa'i dga' tshal du bzhugs pa'i dpal ldan lha mo drel skad ma'i che brjod
print convolute, Pecha, BuddhismRitual text
[SBB-PK] Hs. or. 3922.4 (29)
Berlin State Library - Prussian Cultural Heritage
lCang lung sprul ming ( † 1845)
chos sde chen po dge 'phel dga' ldan chos mdzod gling gi gar 'chams kyi bca' bsgrigs 'gyur med rdo rje'i re kha
print convolute, Pecha, BuddhismRitual text
[SBB-PK] Hs. or. 3922.5 (1-22)
Berlin State Library - Prussian Cultural Heritage
lCang lung sprul ming ( † 1845)
print convolute, Pecha, Buddhism
[SBB-PK] Hs. or. 3922.4 (30)
Berlin State Library - Prussian Cultural Heritage
lCang lung sprul ming ( † 1845)
rgya dkar nag rgya ser kasmir bal bod hor gyi yi ge dang dpe ris rnam grangs mang ba
print convolute, Pecha, Buddhism
[SBB-PK] Hs. or. 3922.5 (1)
Berlin State Library - Prussian Cultural Heritage
lCang lung sprul ming ( † 1845)
’phags ma gdugs dkar mo’i sgrub thabs mchog stsol nor bu
print convolute, Pecha, BuddhismRitual text
[SBB-PK] Hs. or. 3922.5 (6)
Berlin State Library - Prussian Cultural Heritage
lCang lung sprul ming ( † 1845)
dge 'phel dga' ldan chos mdzod gling gi nang tshan mtshan nyid grwa tshang
mkhas mang thos bsam gling gi dge 'dun pa rnams gyi blang dor gtan chags kyi yi ge thar
pa'i grong du 'jug pa'i bde lam
print convolute, Pecha, Buddhism
based on 2021.06

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