Göttingen Academy of Sciences and Humanities
Union Catalogue of Oriental Manuscripts
Objects found 9  
[SBB-PK] Hs. or. 10238
Berlin State Library - Prussian Cultural Heritage
Ṣāwī, Aḥmad Ibn-Muḥammad aṣ- ( † 1241/1825-6)الصاوي, احمد بن محمد
Ḥāšiya ʿalā Šarḥ al-Ḫarīda al-bahīya fī l-ʿaqāʾid at-tauḥīdīyaحاشية على شرح الخريدة البهية في العقائد التوحيدية
manuscript, codex, ʽIlm al-Kalām/ ʽAqīda
[BSB] Cod. arab. 2315 - 02
Bavarian State Library
Ṣāwī, Aḥmad Ibn-Muḥammad aṣ- ( † 1241/1825-6)الصاوي, احمد بن محمد
Šarḥ at-tawassul al-asnā bi-asmāʾ Allāh al-ḥusnāشرح التوسل الأسنى بأسماء الله الحسنى
text from a multitext manuscript, , ʽIlm al-Kalām/ ʽAqīda
[BSB] Cod. arab. 2315 - 01
Bavarian State Library
Ṣāwī, Aḥmad Ibn-Muḥammad aṣ- ( † 1241/1825-6)الصاوي, احمد بن محمد
al-Mašārib az-zakīya wa-l-fuyūḍāt ar-raḥmānīyaالمشارب الزكية والفيوضات الرحمانية
text from a multitext manuscript, , prayer
[SBB-PK] Hs. or. 10236
Berlin State Library - Prussian Cultural Heritage
Ṣāwī, Aḥmad Ibn-Muḥammad aṣ- ( † 1241/1825-6)الصاوي, احمد بن محمد
Ḥāšiya ʿalā Ǧauharat at-tauḥīdحاشية على جوهرة التوحيد
manuscript, , ʽIlm al-Kalām/ ʽAqīda
[BSB] Cod. arab. 2222 - 07
Bavarian State Library
Ṣāwī, Aḥmad Ibn-Muḥammad aṣ- ( † 1241/1825-6)الصاوي, احمد بن محمد
Ḥāšiya ʿalā Tuḥfat al-iḫwānحاشية على تحفة الإخوان
text from a multitext manuscript, , rhetoric
[BSB] Cod. arab. 2406
Bavarian State Library
Ṣāwī, Aḥmad Ibn-Muḥammad aṣ- ( † 1241/1825-6)الصاوي, احمد بن محمد
Taqyīdāt ʿalā Ǧauharat at-tauḥīdتقييدات على جوهرة التوحيد
manuscript, , ʽIlm al-Kalām/ ʽAqīda
[SBB-PK] Ms. or. quart. 1557
Berlin State Library - Prussian Cultural Heritage
Ṣāwī, Aḥmad Ibn-Muḥammad aṣ- ( † 1241/1825-6)الصاوي, احمد بن محمد
Bulġat as-sālik li-aqrab al-masālikبلغة السالك لاقرب المسالك
manuscript, Unbound unit, Islamic law
[SUBG] Cod. Ms. arab. 159 - 01
Göttingen State and University Library
Ṣāwī, Aḥmad Ibn-Muḥammad aṣ- ( † 1241/1825-6)الصاوي, احمد بن محمد
al-Asrār ar-rabbānīya wa-l-fuyūḍāt ar-raḥmānīya ʿalā ṣ-Ṣalawāt ad-Dardīrīyaالأسرار الربانيى والفيوضات الرحمانية على الصلوات الدرديرية
text from a multitext manuscript, , prayermysticism
[SUBG] Cod. Ms. arab. 159 - 02
Göttingen State and University Library
Ṣāwī, Aḥmad Ibn-Muḥammad aṣ- ( † 1241/1825-6)الصاوي, احمد بن محمد
[Šarḥ Manẓūmat asmāʾ Allāh al-ḥusnā][شرح منظومة أسماء الله الحسنى]
text from a multitext manuscript, , poetryʽIlm al-Kalām/ ʽAqīda
based on 2021.06

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