Göttingen Academy of Sciences and Humanities
Union Catalogue of Oriental Manuscripts
Objects found 3  
[SBB-PK] Ms. or. oct. 1807
Berlin State Library - Prussian Cultural Heritage
Ḫallāl, Aḥmad Ibn-Muḥammad al- ( † 311/923-24)الخلال, أحمد بن محمد
al-Ḥaṯṯ ʿalā t-tiǧāra wa-ṣ-ṣināʿa wa-l-ʿamal wa-l-inkār ʿalā man yaddaʿī t-tawakkul wa-tark al-ʿamal wa-l-ḥuǧǧa ʿalaihimالحث على التجارة والصناعة والعمل والإنكار على من يدعي التوكل وترك العمل والحجة عليهم
manuscript, codex, mysticismparaenetic works/sermon
[SBB-PK] Ms. or. oct. 1805
Berlin State Library - Prussian Cultural Heritage
Ibn-Rāfiʿ, Muḥammad ( † 774/1372-73)ابن رافع, محمد
Muntaḫab al-muḫtār min ʿulamāʾ Baġdādمنتخب المختار من علماء بغداد
, , biography
[SBB-PK] Ms. or. oct. 1843
Berlin State Library - Prussian Cultural Heritage
multitext manuscript, codex
based on 2021.06

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