Common data
Classmark | |
↳ current | Hs. or. 2343 (21) |
↳ alternate | Editor classmark : 22 |
Record type | |
Link to composite manuscript | |
Content and history of the book
Language | Tibetan |
Script | Tibetan |
Title | |
↳ in Ms. | zab chos zhi khro dgongs pa rang grol las : dbang bzhi 'phrad tshad rang grol [Z] gyi rjes kyi rim pa gSal ba’i me tog |
Completeness | complete |
Beginning | [1v] .... : dbang ldan zhi khro’i lha la phyag ‘tshal lo : bdag 'dra ye shes mtsho rgyal gyis : |
End of the text | [3v] ces thor ba’i gnas rnams su gtug cing : me tog gtor : rol mo sbyar (?) ro : dge’o // |
Subject matter | Buddhism Ritual text |
Keywords | dbang bsdus
gter ma zhi khro |
Content | Zhi khro: Zusätzliche rituelle Verrichtungen (mtha'-brten). |
Marginal notes | Randverm. r: mtha’ brten, v: --. |
Further copies | BDRC W1KG12277, W1KG12287, W1KG22570, W1KG22565, W20869, W4PD928, W4PD928, W1PD181166. |
Person data
Author | |
↳ Name | Karma Lingpa |
↳ Data of life | † Lebensdaten: 1326-1386 |
Physical description
Writing material | |
↳ Material | paper |
↳ State of preservation | Gräuliches Papier mit geringer Wolkenbildung und feinen Faserresten, Schnitt dunkelrot gefärbt. Kaum benutzter, teilweise schwach gedruckter, aber lesbarer Druck. |
Number of folios | 3 Blatt. Foliierung: 1r-3v. |
Dimensions | dpe cha / poti |
Text area | 37x5,8 cm |
Boxing | 43,1x9,2 cm |
Number of lines | 6-zeilig, 1v-2r: 5-zeilig, 3v: 4-zeilig. |
Script | |
↳ Style | Tibetan script → Block print |
Project part | KOHD Tibetan Manuscripts |
Technical data
Editor | Karl-Heinz Everding |
Static URL | |
MyCoRe ID | KOHDTibetanMSBook_manuscript_00000221 (XML view) |
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