Common data
Classmark | |
↳ current | Ms. or. quart. 773 (5) |
↳ alternate | Editor classmark : 1310 old classmark : alte Signatur : acc. 1887.96. (Ms. orient. quart. 773) |
Record type | manuscript |
Format | Pecha |
Link to composite manuscript | |
Content and history of the book
Language | Tibetan |
Script | Tibetan |
Title | |
↳ in Ms. | [kein Titelblatt] |
Completeness | fragment |
Beginning | [Anfang des vorhandenen Textteils]
[7r] na/ / gyul ngo thams cad khyod kyis bzlog/ chags chen nyam nga thams cad [Z] bzlog/ dgra ‘dra ‘dre’i bsam sbyor ngan pa bzlog/ |
End of the text | [Ende des vorhandenen Textteils]
[8v] gzhan gyi cho ‘phrul ‘byung ba x lha [Z] bsrungs khros pa’i ‘ka’ chad x mkha’ ‘gro dka’ chad ‘byung ba x* [unvollständig, * x-Zeichen, um die Wiederholung derselben Endphrase aus vorherigen Zeilen anzuzeigen.] |
Subject matter | Buddhism |
Marginal notes | - |
Physical description
Writing material | |
↳ Material | paper |
Number of folios | 2 Bl., Foliierung 7-8; restliche Folios fehlen. |
Text area | ca. 18x6,5cm |
Boxing | ca. 22x8cm |
Number of lines | 6-zeilig |
Script | |
↳ Style | Tibetan script → Manuscript → dbu can |
Project part | KOHD Tibetan Manuscripts |
Technical data
Editor | S. Arslan & K. Gurung |
Static URL | |
MyCoRe ID | KOHDTibetanMSBook_manuscript_00002146 (XML view) |
Send notes for this dataset |