Common data
Classmark | |
↳ current | Cod.Kambodscha1 |
↳ alternate | Editor classmark : N°00213 |
Record type | multitext manuscript |
Format | palm leaf |
Content and history of the book
Language | Pali Thai language |
Script | Khmer Thai |
Region | Southeast Asia |
Title | |
↳ in Ms. | 1. bra saṅgiṇi pāḷi lee attha tām prasaṅgaha phūk 1
2. bra saṅgiṇi lee aṭṭhakathā tām prasaṅga paripūṇā phūk 1 3. bra vibhaṅga lee aṭṭhakathā tām prasaṅga paripūṇṇā phūk 2 4. bra dhākathā pakkaraṇa paripūṇṇā phūk 3 5. bra dhātu katha lee aṭṭhakathā tām prasaṅga paripūṇṇā phūk 3 6. bra vibhaṅga pakaraṇāmāttikā phūk 2 7. bra puggalapañattipakaraṇamāttikā phūk 4 8. bra puggalapañatti phūk 4 9. bra kathāvatthupakaraṇanitthitā / cap paripūṇṇā phūk 5 10. bra kathāvatthu lee aṭṭhakathā tām prasaṅga paripūṇṇa phūk 5 11. braḥ yamakka lee atthakathā tām prasaṅga paripūṇṇa phūk 6 12. bra mūlayamakkapakaraṇaniṭṭhttaṃ phūk 6 13. bra mahāpadhdhana pakaraṇamāttikā phūk 7 14. bra mahāpaddhdhāna lee aṭṭhakathā tām prasaṅga paripūṇṇā nitthitā // phūk 7 tām prasaṅ |
Completeness | complete |
Beginning | Text 1
A. v, 1: karuṇāviyasattesu pañāyassamahesino ñeyyadhammesusabvesu Text 2 B. KA r, 1: tvaṃ / karuṇāviyasattesu pañāssamahesino Text 3 C. GHA r, 1: catusccadassonātho catudhādhamma saṅgiṇi pakāsayi Text 4 D. ṄĪ v, 1: saṅgaha asaṅgaho saṅgahitena saṅgahi Text 5 E. JAṂ v, 1: puggalo upalabbhatisacchikathā paramatthenāti āmantā Text 6 F. GHA v, 1: pañcakkhandharupakkhandhovedanākkhandho … Text 7 G. CA v, 1: dhapañattiyo khandhapañatti āyattanapañatti Text 8 H. CHA r, 1: tāṃ attha / nipuṇatthapakaranaṃ dhātubhedappakāsano Text 9 I. ṄO r, 1: nitaṃ aṭṭha / vācārasahibhedehivihaṅgamārabhañjano Text 10 J. CHA r, 1: attha / nisinnodevalosmiṃ devasaṃghapurakkhato Text 11 K. ÑĀ r, 1: namatthu / attha / saṅkhepenevadevānaṃ … Text 12 L. JŪ v, 1: yekeci kusalādhammā sabvete kusa Text 13 M. ÑĀ v, 1: hetupaccayo ārammaṇapaccayo adhipati Text 14 N. ṬHA v, 1: attha / devatidevodevānaṃ devatānarapūjito |
End of the text | Text 1
A. GAḤ v, 5: … pavattisañcavoti / nibvāṇaṇa paccayo hoti / Text 2 B. v, 2: paripūṇāniṭṭhitā niñcanapaccayo hoti / Text 3 C. ṄO v, 5: … soniniṭṭhito Text 4 D. CA v, 5: … kusalādhammā akusalā dhammā abyākatā Text 5 E. JHAI v, 5: … ayassosandho uttamocavaro Text 6 F. ṄI v, 5: … kusalādhammā akusalā dhammā abyākattā dhammā bravibhaṅga phūk 2 Text 7 G. CAḤ r, 5: … sakaṃ / bra puggalapañattipakaraṇamāttikā phūk 4 Text 8 H. JO v: … kalyaṇādhammokathā / tamotama / la / jotiparāyano Text 9 I. caṃ v, 5: … natthi ekana kammenāti Text 10 J. JU v, 5: … kathāvatthā pakaraṇanitthitaṃ / jateccapāḷi o cap paripūṇṇa lee / Text 11 K. JŪ v, 1: yamaka pakaraṇanitthitā Text 12 L. ÑĀ r, 5: … kanitthitā cap pakaraṇa cap paripūṇṇā phūk 6 Text 13 M. ṬAI r, 5: … padhdhāna pakaraṇamāttikā paripūṇṇa cap / Text 14 N. ṬHAḤ r, 5: doso upāyāsosomanassa dosevāti / |
Subject matter | Buddhism |
Physical description
Binding | Material : The manuscripts are secured by two wooden covers; 55x5 |
Writing material | |
↳ State of preservation | The manuscripts are in good condition |
Number of folios | (311); pagination with usual letters
Text 1 (38); ka, kā, ki, kī, ku, kū, ke, kae, kai, ko, kaṃ, kaḥ, kha, khā, khi, khī, khu, khū, khe, khae, khai, kho, khaṃ, khaḥ, ga, gā, gi, gī, gu, gū, ge, gae, gai, go, gaṃ, gaḥ Text 2 (39); ka, kā, ki, kī, ku, kū, ke, kae, kai, ko, kaṃ, kaḥ, kha, khā, khi, khī, khu, khū, khe, khae, khai, kho, khaṃ, khaḥ, ga, gā, gi, gī, gu, gū, ge, gae, gai, go, gaṃ, gaḥ Text 3 (26); gha, ghā, ghi, ghī, ghu, ghū, ghe, ghae, ghai, gho, ghaṃ, ghaḥ, ṅa, ṅā, ṅi, ṅī, ṅu, ṅū, ṅe, ṅae, ṅai, ṅo, ṅaṃ, ṅaḥ Text 4 (12); ṅī, ṅu, ṅū, ṅe, ṅae, ṅai, ṅo, ṅaṃ, ṅa ṅaḥ, ca Text 5 (14); jaṃ, jaḥ, jha, jhā, jhi, jhī, jhu, jhū, jhe, jhae, jhai Text 6 (18); gha, ghā, ghi, ghī, ghu, ghū, ghe, ghae, ghai, gho, ghaṃ, ghaḥ, ṅa, ṅā, ṅi Text 7 (14); ca, cā, ci, cī, cu, cū, ce, cae, cai, co, caṃ, caṃ, caḥ Text 8 (29); cha, chā, chi, chī, chu, chū, che, chae, chai, cho chaṃ, chaḥ, ja, jā, ji, jī, ju, jū, je, jae, jai, jo Text 9 (19); ṅo, ṅaṃ, ṅaḥ, ca, cā, ci, cī, cu, cū, ce, cae, cai, co, caṃ, caṃ Text 10 (20); cha, chā, chi, chī, chu, chū, che, chae, chai, cho chaṃ, chaḥ, ja, jā, ji, jī, ju Text 11 (21); ñā, ñi, ñī, ñu, ñū, ñe, ñae, ñai, ño, ñau, ñaṃ, ñaḥ, ṭa, ṭā, ṭi, ṭī, ṭu, ṭū Text 12 (23); jū, je, jae, jai, jo jaṃ, jaḥ, jha, jhā, jhi, jhī, jhu, jhū, jhe, jhae, jhai, jho, jhau, jhaṃ, jhaḥ, ña, ñā Text 14 (23); ña, ñā, ñi, ñī, ñu, ñū, ñe, ñae, ñai, ño, ñau, ñaṃ, ñaḥ, ṭa, ṭā, ṭi, ṭī, ṭu, ṭū, ṭe, ṭae, ṭai Text 15 (15); ṭha, ṭhā, ṭhi, ṭhī, ṭhu, ṭhū, ṭhe, ṭhae, thai, ṭho, ṭhaṃ, ṭhaḥ |
Dimensions | 55x5,2 |
Number of lines | 5 |
Script | |
↳ Characteristics | The pack contains 14 bundles; edges of leaves entirely gilt;
Text 1, 4, 5, 6, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14: 1 blank leaf at the end; one red braided cord through the left hole Text 2: 1 blank leaf after the folio title Text 3: 1 blank leaf after the folio title and 3 at the end Text 7: 2 blank leaves after the folio title and 4 at the end Text 8, 10: 2 blank leaves after the folio title and 2 at the end Text 15: 1 blank leaf after the folio title and 1 blank leaf at the end |
Remarks | Texts 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15: same handwriting, on the right-side insertion in blue ink pen in Thai: dān° lèv° indicating that the manuscripts are made and proofread in Thailand
Text 3: Different handwritings Very nice and neat Khom script (a variant of Khmer script often used in central Thai religious manuscripts) by the same hand on both recto and verso except text 3; annotations in Thai in Tvā kṣīen (annotation script) in black ink pen |
Project part | KOHD Khmer Manuscripts |
Technical data
Editor | Hélène Bru-Nut |
Static URL | |
MyCoRe ID | KOHDKhmerMSBook_manuscript_00000215 (XML view) |
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